Diamond painting is similar to painting by number, but that instead of using paint, you're using tiny, flat-backed rhinestones, crystals, or diamonds. It is possible to purchase diamond painting kits on the web and in certain areas arts and crafts shops. The process may appear intimidating, but it is truly rather straightforward. As soon as you understand what to do, then it is possible to discover the undertaking both rewarding and relaxing.

It is possible to get these online although a number of craft shops can also carry them. Each manufacturer will be somewhat different, however, most kits will contain the following: a pre-printed canvas, flat-backed diamonds, and a tray, a pen-like tool, and a package of gel or wax. The canvas consists of tiny boxes which are colored and labeled with numbers, similar to a cross-stitch canvas. Each level corresponds to a diamond color.
The numbers have been written on a chart, with all the corresponding bag and diamond shade written below or alongside it. The chart is generally printed on the side of the canvas.
Some squares may have a letter or logo instead; handle this as a number.
Unroll the canvas and tape it down onto a flat surface. In the event the canvas will not put flat, roll it back another hand, then unroll it. Spread it down on a flat surface, then secure the edges with masking tape.
This project can be time consuming. Think about taping the canvas to a board, which you can move from the way easily. Do not peel all of the plastic off; 1 to 2 inches(2.54 to 5.08 centimeters) will probably be plenty. Run your fingernail along the plastic to crease it that it does not roll forwards.
Some kits have pre-cut plastic strips. In this case, simply peel the very first strip away. Take a look at the patch of picture you just exposed. Choose a box to start with, and notice the number in it. Look the number up on the graph, then find the bag with the exact identical number
. Open the bag, and then pour out a number of the crystals onto the tray which came with the kit.
Some kits come with several trays. You are able to use the other trays to the other colours in that section. Open up the package of gel that came with the kit. Lay the narrow end of the pen into the gel/wax to pick some up. This can make it possible for the pen to select up the crystals.
Some kits include a special wax pen that you need to sharpen instead. In cases like this, sharpen the pen by means of a pencil sharpener.
Some pens are going to have broad end too, which you may use to pick up to 3 crystals at once. Gently press the tip of the pen against the very top, faceted part of the crystal. Lift the pencil away in your tray; the crystal should be stuck into it.
Maintain the tray just beneath the edge of your canvas; this will make it a lot easier to get.
Gently press on the crystal from the corresponding square. Pull the pen away; the crystal ought to be stuck contrary to the canvas. If you are only beginning, it might be a great idea to press on lightly at first. In this manner, when the crystal is off-set, you can nudge it back into position, then press it to fix it.
That is exactly like painting by quantity, except that you're utilizing crystals rather. Work one color at a time and wash the pencil gel as needed. When you finish filling in most of the squares with the exact identical number code, then proceed onto another color. This will allow you to work faster and stay organized.
Avoid resting your hands against the canvas; so the more you touch the surface, the tacky it will become. Continue filling the picture in using exactly the same method as before. Work in 1 to 2 2-inch (2.54 to 5.08-centimeter) wide segments, 1 colour at a time. When you completely fill in a segment, move onto the next one.
Do not peel off the entire plastic covering away, or the glue onto the canvas will get filthy and lose its glow. In case you lost the sheet, then you can cover it with a sheet of paper or parchment paperavoid using wax paper.
Go over the canvas with a rolling pin. This can push any loose diamonds and then secure them. [7] If you don't own a rolling pin, you may use a can or jar instead. You might also lightly rub the canvas together with your hands rather.
Stack some heavy books on top of the picture overnight. This will help further adhere the diamonds to the canvas and be sure that they bond properly. If you do not have any publications big enough to pay the canvas, then you can use a second flat, heavy object, including a cutting or box board.
Peel away the tape. Lift off the books , then peel the plastic covering off. Peel the tape from the corners of the picture. Don't trim the excess canvas manner, as this may cause the fabric to fray. Remove the glass in the frame first, then insert the canvas into the framework. Fold the extra down edges, then set the backing into place. Leave out the glass, since it will just dull down the diamonds' sparkle.
For a fancier touch, put the canvas supporting a mat first; this will give the canvas an extra border within the framework. Pick a colour that matches the diamonds.You should delete all of this text and replace it with text of your own. You can modify any text on your page with the Text formatting tools at the top of the page. To add other content, use the Media and Add-ons tabs. If you'd like to change your style template click on Styles. To add or remove pages use the Pages tab.